Entrepreneurship Fair Results
The 14th annual Youth Entrepreneurship Competition was held today at the SFCHS. Again, this year the YEC included the Cheylin and St. Francis students. A total of 37 students participated by bringing their best business ideas to pitch at . . .
Farm to School
Cheylin has been taking advantage of the Farm to Plate program to be able to furnish quality meat to our students. Please read the attached document for more information on this program. We want to continue this program, but we . . .
11th Annual Youth Entrepreneurship Competition
Congrats to all winners and participants!
Cheylin Junior and Senior High students participated in the 11th annual Youth Entrepreneurship Competition on March 9th. The competition series is a NetWork Kansas program. This year, participants were required to prepare an executive . . .
Students Earn Academic Awards
For over 20 years the Western Kansas Liberty League has hosted an academic contest in order to recognize its best and brightest students. Schools select four students from each grade to take tests in Math, Science, English, Reading, and . . .
Students Prepare for Music Concert
In lieu of a music department this school year, Jennifer Sabatka has graciously volunteered to hold a music clinic for students grades Kindergarten through 12th grade. The students have been preparing to showcase their voices in the . . .

Elementary Students Enjoy Body Venture Exhibit
Body Venture is sponsored by the Kansas Department of Education and Child Nutrition and Wellness. Bridget Pochop organized to have the event come to Cheylin Schools and all the necessary volunteers to set up, run, and take down the . . .
First Day of School
The students, teachers, and staff are off to a great start of the school year!
We are Hiring!
Cheylin USD 103 has the following positions available for the 2024-2025 school year: Custodian (part-time) Transportation Director - beginning June 2, 2025 Summer cleaning/painting - must be 16 years old to apply . . .